Navigating Uncertainty
Inspirational Insights Podcast - Insight To Action
What is emerging in innovation for 2024? with Curtis Michelson

What is emerging in innovation for 2024? with Curtis Michelson

Reading Signals from a Wide Network of Communities

Innovation nerd and adaptive thinker extraordinaire Curtis Michelson provides an overview of what is emerging in 2024 based on signals he's picked up from his many communities. From Agile to organization network analysis to open innovation and more, you'll learn what is brewing inside edgy thinking communities.

Curtis Michelson is, in his own words a "serial failed entrepreneur, yet ever hopeful and optimistic". A longtime coach and complexity facilitator, Curtis works with clients on strategic business model deep dives and rethinks. His consultancy Minds Alert delivers on those transformation ambitions with 'design sprints' - short bursts of intense value discovery and validation. AI tools for generative thinking come along for the ride. The supporting innovation offering he created is INFOdj which aims to deliver just-in-time research insights to teams who are sprinting at those emerging edges of technology and business models. 

Based in Orlando, Florida, he gives time locally to community projects focused on social justice, reframing historical trauma narratives and green economies.

Curtis's overview of who is doing the leading-edge thinking work has been summarized on this page:

Curtis is a musician so naturally, I asked him to name a theme song for 2024.

How about The Waters Of March · Susannah McCorkle on YouTube?

Reading signals and cues is a great training ground for adaptive thinking. To complement Curtis’s overview this podcast will emphasize three themes during 2024.

  1. Considering the impact of decisions on ecological and social health so that innovation replaces habitual exploitation of the living systems and biodiversity all life relies on, including humans.

  2. Learning from nature and the subtle yet advanced skills inherent in other species. Injecting humanity with a dose of humility.

  3. Emotional health and transcendence. Leaping forward to inspiring innovations is powered by emotional health. Without it, there is a run back to the familiar instead of the step into bold and self-actualized collective leadership!

What if we advanced thinking to gain clarity by finding security from within, rather than external stability? Widening consciousness instead of contracting in fear?

These and other questions will be part of the podcast menu for 2024.

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Navigating Uncertainty
Inspirational Insights Podcast - Insight To Action
<p>We are living in exciting times, but also challenging ones. The world has become more complex and so have our lives.&nbsp;There is a need for new ways of thinking that can help us navigate this complexity and make sense of the future.&nbsp;The Inspirational Insights podcast (Insight to Action) brings you different perspectives on how we can make sense of our complex world, find solutions for leadership challenges while creating a better future for everyone. Adversity is an opportunity to be better at being human in connection to nature and to an inspiring purpose.</p><br><p>Inspirational Insights is an enlightening and inspiring podcast that covers personal business, global issues, decision-making practices and leading in complexity. The show's topics range from nextgen to consciousness shifting with the goal of reconnecting decisions and impact to caring about biodiversity by sharing practical insights on how we can all make a difference now.</p><br><p>Subscribe now so you don't miss out. You can also find us on iTunes and Spotify. Host Dawna Jones is always looking for feedback, so please send your thoughts my way!&nbsp;Join the community on Patreon at</p><br><p>For personal and business insights listen today!</p><p>Support this show <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href=""></a>.</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>